C. diff

Living in a pandemic world is like a rotting tomato floating atop a gazpacho of natural disasters, a divided nation, racism, climate change, job loss, a collapsed economy, and on and on. On top of all those things, we now need to obsess over how to keep ourselves healthy. There is so much to worry […]

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Dear 2020, This marks a decade of writing letters to the new year. The past ten years have been a time of dramatic change and transition as I’ve carved out a new way of life for myself. It’s largely been wonderful, but there have also been plenty of dark nights of the soul woven into […]

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This blog post is half public service announcement, and half spiritual expose. It’s about poop and knocking on death’s door. And it’s ultimately about how we need to treasure every breath we take because we never know if it will be our last one. I recently spent a week in isolation in the hospital battling […]

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